Updating Your Artist Page

Updating Your Artist Page

Text Updates

Please review the current information shown on your artist page and consider updating it.

This should take the form of a short summary of about 50 words for your ‘profile’ and then a more expansive version of up to 300 words about your practice.

Sending Your Text Update

If you wish to update the text on your artist page, please send your changes as a Microsoft Word or Apple Pages  document to me at davidpitcher@me.com You can also type your text directly (or copy and paste) into the body of an e-mail. Please include your full name on all documents.

Artist Details

Please review the current information shown in the Artist Details panel on your artist page.

Are these up to date?

  • Email Address
  • Website
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Location
  • Availability
    – Workshops
    – Talks
    – Commissions

Sending Your Details Update

If you wish to update the artist details on your artist page, please send this as a Microsoft Word or Apple Pages  document to me at davidpitcher@me.com. You can also type your changes directly (or copy and paste) into the body of an e-mail. Please include your full name on all documents.

Artist Details Panel

Image Updates

It is important to ensure that the images being shown on your page do your work justice – you are  visual artists after all!  So it’s worth taking a bit of time to choose well focused, good quality photographs.

1.  Please send any new images for your page as either large JPEG or TIF files with a minimum width of 1200px (31.75 cms) and a resolution of no less than 72dpi.

2. Please name image files for your artist page as follows:
name-surname-1.jpg , name-surname-2.jpg , etc.
You may now have up to 10 images on your page.

3. If you are not confident in editing your images using software like Photoshop, don’t worry,  send me your files as they are. Just remember, the bigger the better!

Sending Your Image Updates

There now several ways to send your images for inclusion on your artist page.

1. By Email: This is probably the easiest way depending on the attachment size limit set by your email service provider. You may need to send several emails to get all the images over but that’s fine by me. Send your images to davidpitcher@me.com.

2. By using WeTransfer: This service offers a convenient and cost-free, secure way of sending larger files (up to 2GB in total) over the internet. Go to wetransfer.com (make sure that you are on the free service option) and add the files you wish to send from your computer.

In the Friends email field type davidpitcher@me.com and you will also need to add your own email address in the field underneath. There’s even space to send me a message if you feel the need to. Make sure that all the files you wish to send listed in the form panel and click on Transfer to start the upload. Once the transfer is complete I will receive a notification email and a link to download files. Oh and by the way, you will also be notified when I’ve received them.

3. By uploading to Dropbox: Here we have 2 options:

(Option 1.) If you prefer you can upload your files to your own Dropbox account and invite me to share it. I will then be able to download them myself.

(Option 2.) I can invite you to upload your files to my Dropbox account for me to pickup.
Please email me at davidpitcher@me.com and I will send you the invite to add your files for to be able to download.

4. Other Methods: If you would like to send your image files on a disk or memory stick that’s fine. Please email me and I will send you details of requirements and delivery address.

If you have any queries on updating your artist page, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  davidpitcher@me.com